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Friday, July 23, 2010



1.What is facebook?

Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. It is the largest of the networking sites, with the runner up being MySpace. It began as a college networking website and has expanded to include anyone and everyone.

Facebook was founded by 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg and originally called thefacebook. It was quickly successful on campus and expanded beyond Harvard into other Ivy League schools. With the phenomenon growing in popularity, Zuckerberg enlisted two other students, Duston Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, to assist. Within months, thefacebook became a nationwide college networking website.

2.What is advantages and disadvantages of facebok?

Facebook has been a widely known name among people who are so into it. People who have their account on Facebook are using more of their time to get in touch with other individuals despite the distance and lack of time. Facebook has been a great community for many people, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Series of improvements are now being made in the system just to make up with the Facebook problems. Facebook advantages and disadvantages are listed below.


Lets user search for new and old friends
Available to chosen universities having a high level of security
Makes it less difficult when communicating with strangers or individuals you do not know
Makes it simpler to join groups having corresponding likes and dislikes
Lets users to check students who are in the same class, living within the same location, or coming from the same academy


More and more people
Long distance relationship weakening
Unsupported by physical adjacency
Contributes wide-range procrastination
Rampant addiction
Possible stalking
Acquaintances be labeled as friends

Certainly, the disadvantages are not a threat to you just by simply looking at it. A user must realize what he is trying to give out otherwise things might get messy and people will mistake them as someone else.

3.What are characterestics of facebook why many people engage in this site?

In an ideal world, the Hub movement has no real center. The idea is that competencies flow from node to node and hub to hub, based on a needs and a value exchange that can serve the need. There is no need for a centralised command structure, a corporate hierarchy or rules designed for control. The Hub in its nature differs so greatly from other structures and networks that we see today.

Compare if you will, the Hub to Facebook. While the Hub never will reach Facebooks current magnitude of 230 million daily users, there are some comparisons that are interesting to make. Facebook grew exponentially in size, seeing particular strong growth in users in 2007, where a large part of the community on Myspace migrated to Facebook. This move happened within a few weeks and remains one of the most amazing examples of social media tipping points.

The major difference when comparing the Hub and Facebook, are their natural characteristics and the value they propose. Facebook for most people remains a network where one exchanges superficial comments and give sporadic attention. While people happily share pictures of themselves and post comments on each others walls, the intent put into the content remains frivolous and with minor depth and people rarely express opinions and emtions related to deep personal attachment or meaningful conversations or relationships.

4.Can you use facebook in E-commerce?How & why?

It’s an early example of online shopping merging with social media, a trend we’re likely to see more of as retailers look to retain their relevance on the Web. “A lot of people are telling us they like to do things in the same environment; they don’t like to hop around on the Web,” says Jim McCann, founder and CEO of “And so many people are living their lives on Facebook.” In the next two months, at least 20 more retailers will set up similar shops on Facebook using the same technology provider, Alvenda, according to a Financial Times report.

Clearly, both the retailers and Facebook have something to gain. Social media sites are now among the top 10 referring Web sites for most online retailers, says Scot Wingo, CEO of e-commerce services provider ChannelAdvisor. “Retailers are thinking about how to both drive more and monetize more,” he adds. Opening the shop next-door to the conversation eliminates the need for back-and-forth.

“In this world you just have to accept the fact that it’s different than it was,” says chief executive McCann, who led his company to become one of the first toll-free phone retailers in the 1980s, and one of the first online retailers in the 90s. “The boundary between the customer and the staff person is shredded in good ways and challenging ways. You just have to be there for your customer,” he adds.

5.How important facebook today?

Today Facebook keeps track of connections between people. The goal of Open Graph is to extend that to include connections between people and interests including music, food, brands, places and websites. Facebook will now allow applications and websites to share this information. The key to how this will work is the new “Like” button. So let’s say you’re surfing on IMDB and you click the Like button to show that you liked a particular movie. This information gets posted in your movies section of your profile along with specific information that IMDB passes to Facebook (the title of the movie, the director, etc.). Inside Facebook, clicking on a movie that a friend has liked on IMDB will take the user directly back to the site. Outside of Facebook, when users visit a website built with Open Graph, they will be able to see their friends’ activity directly on the site, without having to go back to Facebook. For example, visitors to CNN can see what stories their friends have liked.

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